Just Show Up - We got the Rest!
Group Fitness Schedule
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The Group Fitness Schedule has just had its largest expansion yet! Village Fitness wants to give back to the community and its members with more classes to keep you healthy, happy, and fit! Keep your results coming – Just show up and we will take care of the rest.
Small Group is our medium to high intensity training class
designed to make you feel the burn!
Uplift with Amy is a strength training class that has never been so fun and engaging! Using iconic music from decades past, combined with a variety of equipment including hand weights, bands and a mini ball, and routines that target all the muscles groups, you will never get bored!
Zumba Dance is a fun fitness dance class that promotes cardio and movement through Latin-inspired dance. Get a great workout while moving your entire body! The best part is, you won’t even thing about the fact that you are working out! It’s a dance party for the body and soul!
Flow Movement is our low intensity class combining elements of stretching and yoga to promote more flexibility, lengthening, mindfulness and relaxation within the body, soul and mind.
Uplift & Shine with Amy is where you get the best of both worlds! High-powered choreographed dance to get the blood pumping and heart beating is followed by strength training incorporating hand weights, bands and mini-balls. You will be sure to walk out feeling exuberantly exhilarated!
Silver Shoes class is our low to medium impact full-body training, incorporating strength training, light cardio and flexibility work. This class may be designed for Silvers over 60, but you’ll walk out feeling like you won the GOLD!
Fit to Fight Boxing and Combat Conditioning class with Ruth is perfect to get in shape and win at achieving your greatest health and fitness with cardio training, boxing and fighting techniques.
Primal Movements is our class where you learn to move your body the way nature intended. This class focuses on body weight movements that increase strength, balance and mobility. Tap into your own “beast mode” in this class!
Spin Cycle class takes you on a wonderful journey that begins with a dynamic warm-up, followed by various tempos and intensities and “sceneries” on the bike, ending the adventure with a cool down and stretching! We also play some really cool music!
African Dance Class with Kyra is where you can let go and find your inner grooves and moves while getting a great workout to African beats and music. Let your mind go and your body flow with the beats!
Calisthenics class with Drew will show you new ways to train your body and approach your fitness. With minimal equipment and Bar work you’ll be challenged in new ways to mold your body to be functional fit.
Mobility class with Drew is a course designed to take your body to new levels of mobility. In this Class wherever your mobility is at now will soon go beyond what you previously thought was regular movement for your body!
Health Talks W/ Dr. Luke – Intro into a Seminar educational block for our “Silvers” – will have different health topic each week that is educational and designed to help you learn how to feel younger again every day! Dr. Luke Is a Chiropractor from Ashland and is excited to come meet and add to our community! Fridays @ 10am see you there!
HIIT Class with Mirian and Meredith is always a blast! ready for the ultimate Fat-Burning, metabolism boosting, time0saving workout?? We will see you there!!
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Majority of our classes are Low impact and perfect for Seniors to get back into moving and using their bodies! It Doesn’t matter what your current fitness level is, our coaches are ready with modifications and adjustments as needed, their Goal is to get your better tomorrow than you are today! Can’t wait to see you!
Download, view, or print – Click Group-Fitness-Class-Schedule PDF link below:
Group Fitness Class Schedule as of 4.1.25 (1).pdf
(last updated: March 27, 2025)